Nominating Committee Position Description



  • The Nominating Committee composition consists of nine (9) voting members and one non-voting member. Each voting member has a three (3) year staggered term, with exception of the immediate past president, who will serve a one year term
  • Members of the Nominating Committee serve a three (3) year term. The Committee selects the vice-chair who becomes chair the following program year
  • Nominating Committee members cannot be elected to serve for more than one three-year term on the Nominating Committee.
  • The immediate past president will have voting rights and the Academy CEO will serve in an ex/officio capacity


Part I: Composition/Qualifications



  • Three (3) members with Academy BOD experience within the last ten (10) years
  • Four (4) members with experience on an Academy national level committee or task force, or as a Board member of an affiliate or DPG/MIG within the past eight (8) years
  • One (1) member in practice for 15 years or less with experience on an Academy national level committee or task force, or as a Board member of an affiliate or DPG/MIG within the past eight (8) years
  • The immediate past president
  • Academy CEO



  • Member of the Academy in the Active or Retired classification
  • Possesses a strong understanding of the Academy, its strategic direction, areas of nutrition and dietetics practice, and the requirements for effective functioning in leadership positions included on the ballot
  • Registration with the Commission on Dietetic Registration preferred


Part II: Requirements


  • The time commitment required for members of the Nominating Committee is approximately fifteen (15) days each year for virtual meetings and optional attendance at the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo™, in addition to time required for committee work.  The position of chair also requires time for correspondence, and planning meetings.  Employer support in advance is encouraged.



Virtual Meetings/Conference Calls/Webinars

  • Incoming Member Orientation
  • Planning Meeting
  • Interview Selection Meeting
  • Slate Selection Meeting
  • Election Debriefing Meeting
  • Additional conference calls/webinars as needed


Part III: Recommended Skill Sets and Attributes


The universal skill set applies to all positions on the national ballot.


Specific to Nominating Committee

  • Has national networks with Academy members and organization units and Affiliates
  • Understands strategic direction and associated leadership requirements of a diverse, large organization
  • Communicates effectively, has critical thinking and evaluation skills
  • Ability to work with a team and to put the needs of the organization first in order to reach consensus
  • Demonstrates ongoing knowledge of the evolving nutrition and dietetics profession


Part IV: Functions



  • Identifies potential candidates who possess the characteristics and skill sets needed to help advance the strategic plan
  • Collaborates on a regular basis with CDR, HOD, and BOD in reviewing and refining position skill sets and qualifications and consider refinements
  • Interacts with membership groups to identify candidates
  • Performs gap analysis of Board of Directors needs (current vs. future)


  • Maintains active, ongoing relationships with Academy organization units (DPGs/MIGs, ACEND, CDR, HOD, BOD) and affiliates encouraging nominations and voting
  • Incorporates IDEA training as part of its orientation on an ongoing basis


  • Communicates with all stakeholders within the Academy to identify a qualified, diverse and representative group of nominees


  • Evaluates, screens, and selects candidates for the ballot
  • Interviews candidates for President-elect, Treasurer-elect, and Speaker-elect
  • Recognizes and respects differences in ability, age, creed, culture, education, ethnicity and race, gender, gender identity, geographic region, language, lived experiences, mental health, military experience, national origin, physical appearance, political affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic characteristics, values, work experiences and all types of diversity in the nutrition and dietetics profession
  • Prepares an official ballot, annually or as otherwise specified in the Bylaws


  • Manages the election process
  • Develops, disseminates, reviews and updates campaign rules


  • Influences other parts of the organization in their leadership development activities
  • Informs a candidate of results, requests evaluation of the process and communicates other opportunities for leadership


  • Continues to establish the pool of candidates
  • Collaborates mutually on year-round basis with Academy organization units (DPGs/MIGs, ACEND, CDR, HOD, BOD) and Affiliates in encouraging member engagement in the election process and sharing leadership database information to develop leadership skills and create a pipeline of future leaders
  • Encourages the Board of Directors and organization units to use task forces, committees and work groups to create opportunities for leadership development and involvement in the Academy
  • Interacts with the IDEA Committee to further extend opportunities for diversifying nominations


  • Evaluates and analyzes nominations and elections processes and makes recommendations for change to the Board of Directors

Supports Strategic Plan

  • The Academy and its members amplify the contribution of nutrition and dietetics practitioners and expand workforce capacity and capability